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220 Kiwi Towns – Things to Do & Location Map

Our special project about fame, fortune and what is happening in kiwi towns and cities. Every town is mapped and pinned to give you the opportunity to easily locate the town on a New Zealand map.

TIP: Use the handy search button embedded into google maps.

Slow down and spend time in our kiwi towns and cities. Find out places to visit on your road trip and where to go to find the next ‘big thing.’

  • Click on pin
  • Open link to the town’s guide

Sarah-Jane – author’s notes

Do I have a favourite town in NZ? I get asked this question a lot! Invariably the answer is… the last place I visited. From Winton (South Island) where the local butcher established a museum, about being a butcher to Northland’s Matakohe with a fantastic kauri museum. Or perhaps a town with awesome hot springs, Rotorua. A small town is a chance to fossick, chat to the locals and buy an ice cream as you ask questions. Remember you are not being nosey, you are curious and what to find out more.



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