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Pacific Coast Highway: Whitianga to Tauranga road trip

Tairua ‘Two tides’

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Tairua estuary low tide, Coromandel Tairua estuary low tide, Coromandel

The seaside community is a veteren hospitality spot with plenty for family and friends to explore.

Highlights include:

  • Climb Mount Paku and survey the two tides, ocean, estuary and offshore islands. The two tides nomenclature is evident with the surging powerful surf of the ocean and the quiet edd and tide of the estuary where kids wharf bomb into placid tidal water
  • Tairua ocean beach is a surfing hotspot, challenging the elements, giving surfing a go.
  • Aldermen Islands diving, snorkeling and spearfishing opportunities, the Poor Knights Islands’ of the Coromandel. The excellent water visibility and the steep rocky volcanic peaks originating from the seabed 200m below the surface are the Jurassic Park of New Zealand. The surrounding waters are part of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Reserve

For further information check What’s so great about Tairua.

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