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The View Around Mount Parihaka Scenic Reserve in Whangarei The View Around Mount Parihaka Scenic Reserve in Whangarei

Discover the impact of invasion on the peaceful settlement of Parihaka. The unassuming homes are guardians of New Zealand’s important NZ Land Wars stories of peaceful resistance, confiscation and the consequences. Parihaka is located about 7 km inland near Pungarehu. During the Taranaki Garden Festival the community welcomes visitors to explore the ethos of Parihaka, the practice of sustainability, Te Reo Maori, sovereignty and the concept of peaceful resistance. The gardens support three Marae, and provide a peaceful place to work together, fulfilling the legacy of Tohu Kākahi and Te Whiti o Rongomai of looking after each other and building positive relationships. During the 1800s the community, led by Tohu Kākahi and Te Whiti-o-Rongomai, used peaceful resistance to challenge land confiscations and forced sales by the settler government. Passive resistance was countered by the colonial government forcible eviction of Parihaka inhabitants in 1881.


Parihaka is a living community, and privacy should be acknowledged. Any visits need to be arranged beforehand with the appropriate operators.

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