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Nelson Honey – State Highway 6 Bee Keeping Tours & Gift Shop

Motupiko, New Zealand

The sweet taste of locally sourced honey. Stock up in the goodie bag for delicious toast. Nelson Honey New Zealand, Manuka Honey, Royal Nectar, Nectar Ease. Visit Nelson Honey for a live beehive viewing and processing factory. From origins as a small one-man apiary on the outskirts of Nelson in 1900.

@Quinney's Bush Camp
@Quinney's Bush Camp

Nelson Honey today is still a family-owned business but has grown to become a significant employer at Motupiko.

“For more than 100 years the Cropp family have worked alongside nature, extracting honey delicately from honeycomb to bring you the finest quality product, direct from New Zealand’s own backyard.” … Nelson Honey is opposite the rustic Quinney’s Bush Camp.


Nelson Honey is a stop on our Upper South Island loop trip around the top of the South Island.


Make sure to check out the action in the Abel Tasman National Park as well as the attractions in Nelson.

Founders Heritage Park church and windmill in Nelson New Zealand
Founders Heritage Park Church and Windmill in Nelson
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