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Monmouth Redoubt

Tauranga, New Zealand

A quiet reserve at the northern end of The Strand  is the location of the Monmouth Redoubt. It is unique that a city centre with the hustle and bustle of a town has a significant heritage site within a stone’s throw of the shops and cafes. The earlier pa (fortified village) site was requisite as a suitable location for a military redoubt built in 1864 by the 43rd Monmouthshire Light Infantry Regiment. Their task was to block supplies being sent from Tauranga in support of the Maori King forces in the Waikato. The redoubt was built on top of the archaeological features of the earlier settlement at Taumatakahawai. Enormous pohutukawa trees shade the reserve creating a spooky sense of history. A ceremonial waka (canoe) Te Awanui carved in 1972 is on display.

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