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Mt Damper falls, Central North Island, NZ

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Walking to Mt Dampier Falls Walking to Mt Dampier Falls

Explore walks and tracks such as Mt Damper Falls,  this is a must do waterfall fan stop.

Mt Damper falls Mount Damper Falls Walk: Walking and tramping in Mount Damper and Waitaanga Conservation Area are the second highest in New Zealand. Mount Damper Falls walk has steep stairs down to view the lower cascade of water. It is likely you will be a solitary walker on the track. It is very quiet with birdsong accompanying your footsteps. You can hear the roar, rush and tempo of cascading water well before you see the waterfall. A sense of anticipation about what is around the next set of steps makes the climb easier. If you only want to participate in one walk check out Mt Damper Falls.  Composting toilet situated in car park.

Getting there

The walk starts from Mount Damper Falls car park, on the Okau Road off SH3, 59 km north of New Plymouth. Side roads are unsealed and narrow, caution is needed going around sharp corners.

TIP: Check the status of a walk before you start. The track is closed to hunters every year from 1 August to 31 October for the lambing season.

  • Dogs: NO
  • Length: 1 km
  • Duration: 30 minutes
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