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Twin Coast Discovery Road Trip Northland & Bay of Islands

Trounson Kauri Park

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Trounson Kauri Park Trounson Kauri Park

Self-guided boardwalk with the requisite kauri dieback station for rigorous footwear cleaning is a safe way to immerse yourself in a native forest where the only danger is tripping up as you constantly peer upwards. A highlight is the 1200 year old specimen. There are excellent information panels throughout the walk describing the canopy layers and the flora and fauna. There is a weta box for all ages to view. Kūkupa (New Zealand pigeons) are abundant and you are likely to hear and see them. North Island brown kiwi, fantails, pied tits and other forest birds are also resident with reintroduction of other birds planned for the future. Kauri, taraire, kauri grass, kiekie, neinei and ferns dominate the vegetation.

Fallen kauri and the resulting light wells, clear streams and filmy ferns are among the interesting features of Trounson. Kauri roots are extremely sensitive to trampling. Stay on the track at all times to ensure no damage is done to these magnificent trees, and to help prevent the spread of kauri dieback disease.

  • Length: 1.8 km
  • Duration: 40 minutes (loop)
  • Grade: Very easy
  • Toilet: Yes
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