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Fuchsia and Raroa walks

South Island, New Zealand

These well-formed bush tracks are suitable for children. There are sections of steps so it’s not suitable for buggies. Return via the road or back on the same track.

Just five minutes walk from the waterfront at Halfmoon Bay lies an area of rich natural forest untouched by early milling operations.

Two tracks run through this section of scenic reserve, which was gifted to the Government in the 1960s by Captain George Turner; he recognised the importance of protecting walks in the vicinity of Halfmoon Bay that had been undamaged by early milling or land clearance.

The track takes you past 500-year-old rimu, lush ferns, vibrant mosses and New Zealand tree-fuchsia. During summer months this area of forest is alive with the chorus of bellbird/korimako, tūī, wood pigeon/kererū and kākā.


1 hr return from the Rakiura National Park Visitor Centre

Getting there:

Turn left outside the Rakiura National Park Visitor Centre and left again into Dundee Street. The Fuchsia Walk is signposted about 100 metres on your right over the brow of the hill. The track climbs steadily up to Traill Park. From here, continue diagonally across the park and to the start of the Raroa Walk. This 15 minute track takes you to Watercress Bay and Thule Road. Return via the road to Golden Bay and Halfmoon Bay or walk back along the same track.

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