This bay is famous for its fossilised forest. At low tide you can peer intently at the wet rocks to identify fossilised wood. Initially you might think you are looking at rocks, but on a detailed inspection you can see the grains of the fossilised wood. This is another low tide excursion to find and identify a spectacular fossilized forest. The petrified Forest is 60 million years old dating back when New Zealand was still part of the massive continent Gondwana.
Park in the Curio Bay car park and a short walk will get you to both Curio Bay and Porpoise Bay. Porpoise Bay often has Hector’s dolphins frequenting the bay. Swimming with dolphins is possible with the Department of Conservation highlighting the need for swimmers to keep your distance and let any interaction be initiated by the dolphins. Porpoise Bay is unique in that it is the only place where dolphins come so close to the shore without being enticed by people feeding them. The Porpoise Bay dolphin population is small, estimated to be less than 20 resident animals. They use the bay to raise their young, feed and rest. For detailed information about Hector’s Bay check Department of Conservation online information.