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Paddling / Kayaking to Otarawairere Beach

Kayaking Otarawairere @Whakatane Kayaking Otarawairere @Whakatane

Discover rocky outcrops where shags perch. Observe trees clinging to cliff faces and marine creatures from stingrays, seals, and other marine life.


Kayaking in the ocean you will experience waves, check sea weather forecast and wear a lifejacket as you depart from West End, Ohope. Around the Ohope point the beach is clearly visible. In settled conditions landing is recommended on the northern end of the beach. At low tide you can paddle the channels around the rocky outcrops, several of which form mini islands. On the return trip, check carefully before landing back at West End as it is likely you will experience waves. This is the open sea, so stable equipment and appropriate skills are imperative. Low tide is an ideal time to paddle, as more of the coastal environment becomes visible.

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