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Volkner Rocks marine reserve

Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks) Marine Reserve @DOC Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks) Marine Reserve @DOC

Te Paepae Aotea ( Volkner Rocks ) are pinnacles rising to approximately 113 metres above sea level. The pinnacles are geologically linked to the active andesitic volcano of White Island. Large schools of pelagic and reef fish are found within the boundaries of the marine reserve and some species are locally rare due to the unique convergence of oceanic and subtropical currents at this southern location. This is also a place of great significance to Ngāti Awa and other iwi of the Mātaatua waka (canoe). It is the departure place for the spirits of all people from Mātaatua iwi. Check the travel pack section for brochures.



A 44 meter fishing vessel ‘SeaFire’ was scuttled at 30 m depth, south of Whale Island as a wreck site.

Check DOC resource for up to date information.

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