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Tunnel Hill closed Railway

@Ben Campbell

Built by hand in the 1890’s and lined with locally made bricks, it is the southernmost rail tunnel in the country. The tunnel is part of the former Catlins River Railway. The line’s construction began at Balclutha in 1879. This tunnel section was completed in 1896 and the line reached Owaka a year later. The walk follows the fence line down to the old railway formation, which leads to the 250-metre tunnel.

A torch is recommended to see the intricate brick work in the tunnel’s construction. The land beyond the light at the end of the tunnel is privately owned. The railway goal was to link Balclutha and Owaka to support timber, flax and dairy industries.

An easy walk from the car park and remember the torch in the glovebox.

  • Duration: 20 minute (return)
  • Getting there: The carpark and track entrance are signposted on SH92, the Southern Scenic Route. It’s 5 km north of Owaka. PIcnic area, no toilet facilities
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