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Pounawea nature walk & Bush walk

@Pounawea motor camp

Pounawea Bush is ecologically important because of rare vegetation and virgin podocarp forest, (note the saltmarsh area can only be reached at low tide). The track passes an area rich with birdlife. The return is through a salt marsh and estuary that shows an intact sequence of vegetation from shoreline to forest. The sand spit near the estuary mouth is home to wading birds, including godwits who annually return from northern Asia.

Getting there: The track starts from the Pounawea Motor Camp, on the foreshore at the end of Pounawea Road. Vehicles should be parked outside the camping ground.

This loop track in the Pounawea Scenic Reserve was mainly formed for the use of school groups staying at Pounawea. The walk, through bush typical of the area, is well interpreted with plant and tree labelling.

  • Duration: 15 minutes (return) nature walk
  • Duration: 45 minutes (return) bush walk


Both tracks commence at the camping grounds

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