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Opoutere Beach

Coromandel, North Island

A beach for nature and wildlife fans with its spectacular sandspit. Located at the entrance of the Wharekawa Harbour the shores and sand spit are home to endangered bird species like the New Zealand dotterel. Walk on the boardwalk to protect the wildlife. At the southern end of the beach, a DOC ranger is on duty for the bird’s breeding season. There are several walking trails. Walk to Ohui rock pools or into the state forests to explore the heritage Phoenix gold mine site. Steeper climbs include Maungaruawahine Pa hill through native bush from Opoutere Road to the lookout vantage point on the top. There are still some stone ramparts that formed part of the Maori fortifications to be seen in some places near the summit. The beach is known for its surfcasting, and snorkelling around nearby Hikunui Island. The harbour is safe for sea kayaking.


The drive into Opoutere Beach and Coastal Reserve is via a 15-20 minute gravel road through pine forest, Opoutere Beach is a hidden gem in the Coromandel.

BIRD WATCHING – CHECK The Birds Of Opoutere

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