Discover one of NZ’s cultural hot spots, whanganui with the Sarjeant Gallery, NZ Glasswork as highlights among studios and galleries. Discover a fine arts treasure trove in a quiet rural town, graphic design, photography and visually amazing glass blowing.
Strengthening and redevelopment of the category I historic building has led to the retail shop being the location for a revolving collection display alongside contemporary art objects for sale. Current location SARJEANT ON THE QUAY.

Sarjeant Gallery has over 8,000 pieces and counting. The Gallery is one of the pioneer galleries in colonial New Zealand. The start in 1901 was a gift to the whanganui Arts & Crafts Society of an oil painting by C.F. Goldie from 1900.

The Sarjeant Collection includes one of New Zealand’s best photographic collections, which includes the Denton Collection, and outside private collections houses the largest holding of Edith Collier’s work. Artists are invited to apply for the Tylee Cottage artist residency programme which directs and moulds the contemporary collecting.

Bequests and gifts
The Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare o Rehua Whanganui was founded through the generosity of one man to his home city. In 1912, Henry Sarjeant left a huge sum of money – the equivalent of over $70 million in today’s terms – to establish the gallery “as a means of inspiration for ourselves and those who come after us”. The Gallery formerly opened in 1919.
Sarjeant Gallery at Pukenamu Queen’s Park
The Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare o Rehua Whanganui at Pukenamu, Queen’s Park Whanganui is currently closed for redevelopment. The regal neo-classical building with its distinctive facade was designated an earthquake risk. The building is temporarily closed for strengthening and refurbishment. The temporary premises at Sarjeant on the Quay, 38 Taupo Quay currently house the Sarjeant Collection, and all exhibitions and events. Due to refurbishment check the Sargeant Gallery website for up to date information. The retail premises on Victoria Quay are open weekdays, from 10.30 onwards.

For more information about art shops and galleries in Whanganui check out Whanganui art galleries and shops.
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