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Lenz Reserve & Trails Tractor

The Catlins, South Island

Trails Tractor:

A five minute flat walk to the Fleming River takes you to a former mill settlement to view the logging tractor that was modified to haul logs along the wooden rail tracks. The protective shed over the heritage Traills Tractor has period photographs of exhausted looking people’s images captured for prosperity. The site had a school, homes and businesses now reclaimed by the regenerating bush.

“Trails rail tractor, 1936-1952. A restored rail tractor is displayed at the site of Cook & Sons sawmill. The tram route can be explored but requires tramping skills. Interesting information panels give a very worthwhile insight into sawmilling and its dangers. The historic tractor on display, designed by Riverton sawmiller Frank Traills, transformed logging in the New Zealand

Birding highlight:

The Lenz Reserve is a haven for “forest gecko, green tree frogs and 16 types of native fish species are found in the reserve, as well as an abundance of native birds. The regionally rare South Island fernbird is found in good numbers in the wetland pasture areas, along with kereru, shining cuckoo and Australasian harrier. Bellbird, yellow-breasted tit, brown creeper, grey warbler, pipit, kingfisher, long-tailed cuckoo, grey duck and the threatened yellow-crowned parakeet and red-crowned parakeet (kakariki) can also be found although they are less common. Three easy walking tracks, varying from 2-9km, start from the lodge:

  • The Nature Walk follows a roughly circular route and takes about an hour of easy walking. Identification plaques have been installed along this track.
  • The Long Track follows the old tram line up the ridge behind the lodges, crosses the Fleming River over a bridge, traverses the bank and through an area of old growth podocarp forest, recrosses the river on a second bridge, and returns to the lodges via the Nature Walk. At a high point of the track a raised platform provides views over the reserve. Conditions can be muddy along parts of the track by the river.
  • The Boardwalk Track branches off the Nature Walk and finishes at a 30m boardwalk into the wetland.” Lenz Reserve description
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