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Pacific Coast Highway: Whitianga to Tauranga road trip


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@Athenree Homestead @Athenree Homestead

You are passing the Bay of Plenty summer holiday destination of Athenree, Waihi Beach and Katikati. These small seaside towns are favourite summer holiday destinations for generations of kiwis who escape to the beach every summer. Spend a few moments and check out what is happening.

@Athenree Hot Springs & Holiday Park

Attractions include

  • Athenree natural hot water springs
  • A hub for Hauraki Rail Track
  • Easy access to Karangahake Gorge Historic Gold Mining attractions
  • Walks from the Trig lookout to the Orokawa walkway
  • Heritage buffs will not want to miss Athenree Homestead and restored gardens
  • Katikati town murals and Western Bay Museum
  • Katikati Bird Gardens
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