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NZtravel dog in Kerikeri NZtravel dog in Kerikeri
  • Kororipo heritage park and historic precinct. A unique cluster of Maori and Christian missionary contact period places and structures, including the fortified pa (village) Kororipo pa and associated sites rivals Waitangi for its historical significance. There are many archeological sites within the Basin and its waterways. Prior to European arrival the waterways were the coastal settlement of Hongi Heka of NgaPuhi, a pivotal figure in New Zealand history in the 1820s and 1830s. The waterways were a traditional transport route to the Taiamai Plains.
  • The Kerikeri Mission Station was founded in 1819. The Kerikeri Mission House, built in 1822, is New Zealand’s oldest surviving building. The Stone Store, built in 1836 as part of the mission settlement, is New Zealand’s oldest stone building and the oldest trading building. The two stand close together and dominate the former wharf frontage to the river. They are of contrasting form and shape.
  • The current site is enhanced by the river with reintroduced native bush. The views are not dissimilar to what greeted Europeans in the nineteenth century. The stunning Kerikeri Falls, one of the outstanding natural features is a short stroll away from the precinct on easy gravel paths.
  • Kororipo Pā Historic Walk: Kerikeri, Northland check for details.




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