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Weekend escape to your private island, Rotoroa Island, Hauraki Gulf

Sunday: Walking tracks

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Salvation Army 12 Steps AA Rotoroa Island walk of remembrance, NZ Salvation Army 12 Steps AA Rotoroa Island walk of remembrance, NZ

The walking tracks range from easy to medium grade walks. There are relatively few steps however there are hill climbs which offer the walker sweeping panoramic views of the Hauraki Gulf with Auckland, as a speck on the distant horizon. Your walks are vistas from small coves where you view boats at anchor to a wider sight of the Gulf ferries busy transporting passengers around the Islands. The City of Sails is an apt description of Auckland when you are perched on an Island promontory watching the billowing sails of the yachts.

Rotoroa Island Exhibition Centre entrance, NZ

The walking tracks

  • North Tower Loop track. The North Tower Loop track is a 45-minute walk from the Exhibition Centre, taking you across swimming beaches, wetlands, forest and a stunning view of the Hauraki Gulf. It’s a classic Rotoroa Island walk and your best chance to see a mix of wildlife.
  • Chris Booth sculpture walk. Take the Southern Loop Track to see Chris Booth’s stunning sculpture, Kaitiaki, which leans towards Ruthe Passage.
  • Cemetery visit Take time to visit the island’s cemetery where key figures from Rotoroa Island’s history have been laid to rest overlooking breathtaking views
  • Southern Loop track, The Southern Loop Track is suitable for visitors who want a walk that’s a little bit more challenging. This offroad track takes approximately 90 minutes and is of medium difficulty – so be sure to wear sturdy shoes. On this track you’ll see some of the island’s more dense planting initiatives as well as the stunning Chris Booth Sculpture. This track also takes you past the Men’s Bay which is the perfect place to stop for a swim. NOTE walking track information from Rotoroa website description.
Chris Booth Sculpture, Rotoroa Island, NZ
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