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Southern Scenic Road Trip: Wildlife Safari Road Trip, The Catlins

Sod cottage

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Sod Cottage in Milton Sod Cottage in Milton

Just outside Milton is a quaint cottage built in the 1860s as a stopping place for miners heading to the Tuapeka Goldfields. It has been restored by the South Otago Historical Society and was re-opened on 30 May 1970. This sod cottage isn’t quite what it seems, having been substantially re-constructed. But it is on its original site and despite its newish roof and gable-end clapboards it’s a pleasing, rustic recreated sod cottage. Hugh Murray built it in the 1860s for John McIntosh, as a store and as a stopping place for miners heading to the Tuapeka goldfields. The post office may well have been in this building (It is certainly recorded that George and Christina Cameron operated the post office from this cottage in the late 1860s.)

Distance from Milton: 12kms southwest.

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