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Southern Scenic Road Trip: Invercargill to Fiordland National Park


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The seascape of McCracken Rest near Tuatapere The seascape of McCracken Rest near Tuatapere

Tuatapere delivers an authentic wilderness experience with a location at the doorstep of Fiordland National Park. A small town with a wealth of activities for visitors from an art trail, interesting museums and heritage sites to magnificent scenery. Tuatapere’s community envisaged a great walk and the result is the outstanding Hump Ridge Track. As an independently operated great walk it embraces high standard lodges and pick up and return services offering a seamless experience.


  • World class Hump Ridge Great Walk
  • Jet boat the Wairaurahiri River
  • Explore the historic Clifton Bridge
  • Take time to linger in local art studios and galleries
  • Enjoy the Bush Logging Museum

From sea level to sub-alpine zones it is an imaginative exciting 3 day, 2 night Great Walk. The walk is owned and operated by the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track Charitable Trust, it is the only walking track in southern Fiordland that offers such comfortable facilities to independent trampers.


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