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Southern Scenic Road Trip: Invercargill to Fiordland National Park


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Riverton street art whale mural Riverton street art whale mural

Riviera of the South, the marketing name sums up the place

Riverton is a perfect mix of culture, history, and adventure. From various galleries, historic sites, two heritage trails as well as the fantastic Te Hikoi Museum. There’s a reason Riverton is called the “Riviera of the South” as it is surrounded by bays and beaches and makes for a perfect family day out, swimming, surfing, paddle boarding, horse riding, and walking. The town’s axis is Jacob’s River Estuary, part of a sweeping coastline. Surf’s up at nearby Colac Bay/Oraka, where ‘Porridge’ ranks among New Zealand’s top surfing spots.

There are also good restaurants close by, and the Taramea Bay fish and chip shop serves fresh blue cod worthy of Riverton’s status as a fishing harbour. Howell’s Point (known by the locals as the Point); headland on the northern shoreline of Foveaux Strait a great place for walking, picnicking and bird watching. It has views of Taramea Bay, Invercargill, Bluff and Stewart Island/Rakiura.


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