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Pacific Coast Highway: Whitianga to Tauranga road trip


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Whangamata, Coromandel Whangamata, Coromandel

A bustling holiday destination in summer is characterised by its laid-back beach vibe. With over 6km of white sandy beach, forests, lagoon and estuary and resort village vibe means Kiwi holidaymakers flock to the ocean beaches and saltwater estuaries of Whangamata in their thousands.

Coromandel Pinnacles at Coromandel Forest Park. Coromandel Peninsula

Key highlights for the Pacific Coast road trip are:

  • Find your inner surfer with one of the best breaks, the world-class Whangamata Bar. The legendary left-hand break attracts surfers internationally
  • A hidden lagoon, formed in a sunken volcano is a kayaking end of the rainbow adventure. Whenuakura, Donut Island is an unexpected surprise once you navigate through the cliff top opening into the clear waters of the lagoon..
  • Coromandel Forest Park & Wentworth Falls walks. Swim under a waterfall is a kids delight

For more trip inspiration check What’s so great about Whangamata (coromandel).

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