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Pacific Coast Highway road trip: East Cape Te Araroa

Omaio – Otuwhare Marae

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Otuwhare Marae, Omaio Otuwhare Marae, Omaio
Otuwhare Marae main entrance

This is a photo moment of the exterior of the Marae. Do not enter the private area unless invited.  Another nearby marae, Te Kaha Marae illustrates the importance of military tributes to fallen soldiers. These tributes and memorials are significant cultural landmarks throughout the East Cape. Te Kaha Marae (to stand firm) is an elaborately carved beautiful meeting place. Look for the remains of the old redoubt. Te Kaha, in the nineteenth century was a whaling settlement and a place of missionary activity with nearby Mangaroa Marae having an original whaling boat in the grounds. Today Te Kaha is witness to an economic revival with the introduction of Maori based businesses focused on agriculture. In particular the kiwifruit industry.   The adjacent headland and Maraetai Bay, also known as SchoolHouse Bay, is a safe, sandy sheltered beach for swimming. There is a public toilet in the reserve.

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