Experiences offered by Ngati Porou Tourism include both sunrise and day tours commencing from the base of Mount Hikurangi. Visitors are escorted in a 4WD across private farmland (Pakihiroa Station) to Hikurangi. You will hear stories of Maori origin legend and the importance of the area to the identity of the Maori. Ngati Porou Tourism is the only commercial operator with permission to provide guided tours of Maunga Hikurangi. You will be face to face with nine larger than life carved pou (free standing sculptures) standing guard atop Maunga Hikurangi and watch the stories and legends of the local Ngati Porou people come to life.
“E, I aha tera e! Ko te wero-hanga a Porourangi i te Ika a Maui, E takoto nei!”
“So nature bears witness that Porourangi had pierced the great fish of Maui, which lies beneath us!” – from Kura Tiwaka Taua, traditional Ngāti Porou Haka.
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