Being at a major junction with links to Rotorua and Auckland the town’s creative spirits have built an identity around corrugated sculpture. Corrugated iron is an acknowledgement of a rural service town’s links to the humble corrugated shed. ‘The Dog’ in Tirau in 1998 was the first of thousands of Corrugated Creations now spread around the world. Each is made with the same processes and materials as a corrugated iron roof – and is expected to last just as long.
The town’s identity is now large corrugated iron sculptures depicting main street businesses. The public toilets are located in large corrugated sheep together with a visitor information desk. Another set of public toilets, off the main road are worth a photo stop together with the pukeko signage on the shops opposite. A great selfie moment next to a public toilet. Tirau is quirky with eclectic shopping outlets, galleries and great cafes
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