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Hawke's Bay 3 days of food, markets and bit of everything road trip

Tui Brewery

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@tuibrewery @tuibrewery

Experience a personalised 40 min guided tour round Tui Brewery. Trace the brewery’s 125 year history, see iconic landmarks and walk through the new state of the art brewery. You will finish up in the brewery bar tasting three beers of your choice from the tap. The Tui Brewery, at Mangatainoka, is approximately 10 minutes drive north of Eketahuna. Tui HQ features the famed Tui tower, the Tuiversity Conference Centre, historic Flagon Room and Tui Cafe. There are guided tours and an excellent gift shop, all things Tui related. Need a cup holder then Tui’S got you covered.

Read more about a road trip between the Hawke’s Bay and Wellington Wellington to Napier weekend road trip – Best Bits.

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