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Hawke's Bay 3 days of food, markets and bit of everything road trip


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Greytown, the old, new and repurposed melded into an attractive main street frontage, New Zealand Greytown, the old, new and repurposed melded into an attractive main street frontage, New Zealand

Greytown has cute Victorian heritage facades stocked to the rafters with designer clothing, homeware, several spa and body therapy stores and eateries to sustain the energy levels. Greytown shops are nestled in pretty restored nineteenth century main street buildings. The town is entrepreneurial with its charm as the drawcard. For local Wellingtonians it is a break from Lambton Quay with the rural countryside peeping around the shop corners. For Australians and New Zealanders the town is an excellent example of a nineteenth century shopping street that has withstood the ravages of time. Read more … Greytown day shopping trip, travel guide, what to do & see: Best Bits.

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