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Great Coast Road, West Coast road trip Westport to Greymouth

Strongman Mine Memorial

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Strongman Mine Memorial Sign in Paparoa National Park, West Coast Strongman Mine Memorial Sign in Paparoa National Park, West Coast

Another sober moment acknowledging the loss of life at the Strongman Mine. The mine disaster resulted in the death of 19 men. The explosive fireball started in the largest underground coal mine. The Strongman Mine was located in Runanga, Ninety Mile Valley, 11 km from Greymouth. A higher death toll was averted due to damp walls and running water slowing down the fireball and eventually putting the fire out. There were 240 men working in the mine when the disaster occured.

The Strongman coal mine disaster memorial is unassuming yet take a few moments to recollect the dangers of underground coal mining and the loss of life.

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