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Great Coast Road, West Coast road trip Westport to Greymouth

Coal Creek waterfall walk (Runanga)

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Coal Creek water flows, West Coast Coal Creek water flows, West Coast

Magnificent walk through regenerating forest to the poster waterfall of the West Coast. It is an easy 1 hour walk to one of New Zealand’s favourite instagram spots for waterfall fans. There are no toilets at the beginning of the walk.


The walk begins with a track through a relatively uninteresting pine forest which quickly devolves into regenerating picturesque forest. At times there are regular stepping stones over creek beds to navigate.


Haze on the horizon might be a slow burning underground fire in an abandoned coal mine. The West Coast has been dogged by fires for over a hundred years. One of those secrets is a coal seam fire that has been burning continuously for 116 years, so old no one alive knows how it started at the Millerton mine.

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