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Bushlands Holiday Camp, Whangamomona Hotel ‘republic’ on the forgotten highway 43, Central North Island, NZ

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@bushlands @bushlands
  • Option one Bushlands Holiday Camp. Tangarakau ghost town now Bushlands Camping Ground  Originally a rail and mining town settlement the original homes and shops for 1200 people have completely disappeared. The cleared land is now an upmarket camping ground providing an alternative accommodation option. There is access to the swimming hole in the Tangarakau River. Bushlands Camping Ground is pet friendly.  Location, 6 km, off SH43 down the Raekohua Road.
  • Whangamomona Hotel, camping ground or the original butchers shop. Bed and Breakfast options in Whangamomona such as the old Butchers shop on the main street of the settlement. Whangamomona Hotel or Whangamomona camping ground
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