MANIOTOTO REGION – characterised by dry summer days with a blaze of colour in autumn.
Explore the historic buildings, precinct and two museums. Linger in the boutique shops showcasing local merino wool and yarns, art, homeware, jewellery, wine and artisan goods. The cycling trails, Otago Central Rail Trail or Roxburgh Gorge Trail are but two tempting ways to explore the landscapes. Wine trails based around single origin estates culminate in Easter Eat & Taste Festivals. There are walks up and around the very large concrete dam above the town with the newly created Lake Dunstan now a popular place for kayaking, swimming and boating year round.
The area is known as Maniototo district. For holiday ideas check Kiwi Towns What’s so great about Clyde and art collectors and lovers find out more on the Otago art and culture trail.
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