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Central Otago inland road trip: Queenstown to Dunedin


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Arrowtown Buckingham Street Arrowtown Buckingham Street


  • Heritage town
  • Shopping precinct
  • Scenic Arrow River with spring / autumn foliage glory

Arrowtown is not quite Queenstown although the short 10 minute drive makes you wonder if you’ve left town. Arrowtown is the poster town for picturesque scenery. The town is an authentic nineteenth century settlement, not a replica creating an open air museum experience. There are contemporary cultural attractions from art galleries, stores merchandising souvenirs and giftware. Shops are packaged in the charming ornate Victorian main street. The village is framed among the luscious alpine scenery with mature trees lining the streets and the Arrow River.

For details about where to go and what to see in Arrowtown check here Arrowtown travel guide, trip activities, what to do & see: NZ Jane

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