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Canterbury inland scenic route: Christchurch to Lake Tekapo

Ashburton Gorge

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Hakatere Station, Ashburton Lakes @DOC / Shellie Evans Hakatere Station, Ashburton Lakes @DOC / Shellie Evans


  • Hakatere Station Buildings

The inland turnoff at Mt Somers follows a well formed shingle road to Lakes Camp and Clearwater, favourite destinations for water sports, boating, windsurfing and fishing. Look for the signage for the historic Hakatere Station buildings which include a shearer’s quarters, cook house and stone cottage. Check DOC resource for up to date information.


Imagine what it must have been like for the women, bringing up children and cooking and cleaning in the tiny stone cottage. They had to contend with bitter cold winters in isolation with one woman in the area tells of not seeing another woman for almost ten years

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