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11 Bay of Plenty heritage attractions to visit: DAY 2 - Stop 3

Classic Flyer Museum & collection

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Tauranga classic flyer museum, kids planes in foreground Tauranga classic flyer museum, kids planes in foreground

Grab the opportunity to suit up and enjoy the thrill of flying a vintage World War I fighter plane. The Classic Flyer Museum is outstanding. It is not a polished museum rather a living place where restoration takes place in front of visitors. The Classic Flyer Museum and complex sums up the experience aptly as a place aiming higher than first class.

Exhilarating open cockpit flights with the wind in your face, the goggles protect you as you find out what it’s like to fly a World War I vintage plane with a qualified pilot. The thrill starts with the flight suit, helmet, goggles. Then you climb aboard to be securely strapped into the cockpit. These aircraft are based at Classic Flyers and can be booked any day of the week, weather permitting.


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