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Auckland road trips, east to west coast, Puhoi, Matakana, Titirangi & Goat Island

Tawharanui Regional Park

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Tawharanui Regional Park Tawharanui Regional Park

Tawharanui Regional Park is white sandy beaches overlooking the Hauraki Gulf. Farmland pastoral scenery, shingle beaches where low tide exposes pippi (shellfish) beds, native coastal bush and forest and regenerating wetlands.

@Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society Incorporated

The road to Tawharanui passes Warkworth and Matakana and continues winding through rolling farms. The end is in sight when you reach the gravel narrow road. The Tawharanui Regional Park embraces the end of a peninsula that extends into the Pacific Ocean just north of Kawau Island. The long, sandy beach on the northern side is considered to be one of the best swimming and surfing venues in the Auckland region.


  • A night trek to observe North Island brown kiwi with Habitat Tours. You can even join the tour from Auckland with a return later that evening.


Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society (Charitable Trust)

“To create an open sanctuary where visitors can freely experience a representative range of natural communities that would have originally been present on the Tawharanui peninsula”.

Imagine a coastal landscape where wetlands and forests are regenerating, treasured species like kiwi, pāteke, bellbird, whitehead and robin thrive, sheep and cattle graze and everyone is welcome.

Tāwharanui Open Sanctuary is a unique blend of conservation, recreation and sustainable farming within Tāwharanui Regional Park. The open sanctuary includes mature and regenerating native bush, wonderful beaches, spectacular coastal cliffs, wetlands, heritage sites, a marine reserve and extensive areas of rich pasture.

For more information check Tawharanui Regional Park for tips about walking trails and access to the park.

Duration ½ day to several days.

@Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society Incorporated
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