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He fell in love with Aotearoa and stayed, Friedensreich Hundertwasser

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New Zealand

Hundertwasser opposed the straight line and any standardization in design, his famous toilet in Kawakawa represents this ideal. His well known work is the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, which has become a notable architectural and heritage site Vienna, Austrian capital. Among the rooms and buildings is a place devoted to his love of his adopted country New Zealand. The koru flag greets visitors and the vitality and uniqueness of Hundertwasser is very evident. He was an avid supporter of environmental protection.

Friedensreich Hundertwasser wax statue, Madame Tussaud`s Museum Vienna
Friedensreich Hundertwasser wax statue, Madame Tussaud`s Museum Vienna

Hundertwasser also worked in the field of applied art, creating flags, stamps, coins, and posters. His most famous flag is his koru flag (designed in 1983).

The flag of New Zealand, an immigrant and artist reinterpreting the country’s symbol. While not adopted as the national flag, the legacy of debate about identity and culture continues.

Recent immigrants and their cultural contribution is acknowledged.


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