Queenstown & Haast Pass, West Coast
On the road and need an energy boost or found an authentic French crepe creator in her beautifully decorated food truck. Crepes (NZ kiwi slang, pancakes), light, airy stuffed with sweet or savoury treats, shaved ice, snowy peaks on a hot day, find Crepes & Snow in Haast and your snack is sorted.

Check out where Apolline has parked her food truck, Crepe and Snow. Make a detour if necessary, it’s got the kids sorted with a delicious melt in the mouth treat.
Crêpe & Snow is a food truck located in picturesque Haast dishing up delicious French crêpes. The light, airy pancakes are a taste bud joy. A definite food stop for visitors to Haast. Treat yourself, the kids and family .
Where to find crepe & snow foodie treats
- Winter in Queenstown at Isle Street
- From 1st October Marks Road Haast

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