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Cathedral Caves

The Catlins, South Island

The Caves are well signposted from the main road. From the car park there is a 1 km easy walking track through lush coastal forest to the beach. Visitors cross Maori freehold land, which is managed by a trust. There is a fee to visit the caves. Only at low tide are these gigantic caves on the beach accessible. With their impressive height, they are reminiscent of a cathedral on the inside and thus the reason behind the name. It is thought provoking to enter these caves knowing that just a few hours later, they will be completely flooded again. You cannot help but monitor any tidal movement to ensure you are not trapped.

Getting there:

The car park to the Cathedral Caves is just a short detour from the Southern Scenic Route. From the car park, you’ll encounter a 15-minute path that leads you downhill through the forest and to the beach. Once you get to the beach, make a left and you will reach the cave in about another 5 minutes.

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