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Cannibal Bay

Otago, South Island

This adventure requires a road trip where you backtrack to connect with the access road to Cannibal Bay. It is a 15 minute detour on a gravel road to the small car park. The beach is rugged, barren and a favourite haunt for New Zealand sea lions. Your treat is the sheer rough splendour of sea lions coated in sand making it easy to miss a close by sea lion. Cannibal Bay’s access is on a side gravel road. The white sand and blue/green water is another picture perfect bay.

For walking enthusiasts at the far end of Cannibal Bay is the track leading to Surat Bay over the sand dunes. Cannibal Bay is a well known surfing beach. Expect to see hardy wetsuit clad surfers at home in the elements. Remember to keep at least 20 metres from any wildlife and never get between a seal and the water. Sea Lions haul themselves in the sand dunes lazing and sleeping in the sand dunes so take care to observe wildlife while you are walking.

  • Duration: 1 – 2 hours
  • Grade: Flat easy walk
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