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Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park, South Australia National Park

  • National Parks

Imagine a lake with no water, rather a pink tinted salt pan stretching to the horizon. It’s surreal and best viewed aerially. The easiest way to get to one of Australia’s top bucket list Outback destinations is a trip on the Oodnadatta Track to William Creek.

Kai Thanda Lake Eyre, pink tinted salt pans and flowing water refilling the often dry lake bed
Kai Thanda-Lake Eyre, pink tinted salt pans and flowing water refilling the often dry lake bed

Kai Thanda-Lake Eyre is usually dry, a salt pan glittering with hues of pink, crystal white and shimmer of grey. Water arrives between April and October issuing an invitation for thousands of water birds, pelicans, banded stilts and gulls to create an ideal breeding site. The bird species are saline tolerant.

The lake, 15 metres below sea level is a catchment area for water flow from three states and the Northern Territory. The lake territory is enormous, over 144 km in length and 77 km wide.

On average the lake fills once every eight years. The lake has filled to capacity three times in the last 160 years.

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The lake is surrounded by red sand dunes and mesas. The lake is a perfect DARK SKY location for the intrepid tourist.


The best way to view the lake is aerial. Budget for a flight of your lifetime. The sheer immensity of the lake surface is shown in its full glittering glory.


Halligan Bay Point Campground and get ready for the night show. The park is acces­si­ble via two pas­toral tracks, known as ​‘pub­lic access routes’. Both are suit­able for 4WD vehi­cles only.

You should trav­el in con­voy and car­ry reserves of fuel, water and food. It is best to avoid trav­el­ling in the hot­ter months, from Novem­ber to March.



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Lake Eyre southern viewpoint Stuarts Creek SA 5720, Australia
Lake Eyre southern viewpoint Stuarts Creek SA 5720

William Creek has various accommodation options for overnight visitors.


Oodnadatta Track, Road restrictions sign, the outback, South Australia,
Sign marking the Oodnadatta Track on the way out of William Creek in remote northern South Australia

From William Creek: Trav­el south-east on the Ood­na­dat­ta Track for 7 km to the access track to Kati Than­da-Lake Eyre Nation­al Park. Trav­el along this track to Hal­li­gan Bay Point via Armistice Bore and ABC Bay.


This pub­lic access route is closed from 1 Decem­ber to 15 March. Check the lat­est Desert Parks Bul­letin and the road con­di­tion report for cur­rent access before you leave. Check your Park maps.

Camp­grounds with toi­let and show­er facil­i­ties are also locat­ed at Mar­ree, William Creek, and at Cow­ard Springs, 130 km west of Mar­ree on the Ood­na­dat­ta Track.


The best time to visit Lake Eyre is winter, between April to October. In sum­mer, tem­per­a­tures in the area can soar to more than 50 c.

Marree, South Australia, campground entrnace, streets petering out into the desert, South Australia
Campground entrance, streets petering out into the desert, Marree




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