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12 Reasons to Visit Wilpena Pound & Ikara Flinders Ranges National Park

  • National Parks

Twelve reasons why you’ve found an outback holiday worthy of any bucket list.  Wilpena Pound & Ikara Flinders Ranges National Park is intriguing as well as easily accessible from Adelaide, South Australia’s state capital. If you are excited with the thought of  outback adventures, bush walks, picturesque ruins, outback sunsets, 4WD tours and star-gazing off the beaten path you’ve got an accessible outback experience at your fingertips. And it’s a mere half day drive from Adelaide.



The thought of a hike (over 5 kms one way) is not your idea of a fun holiday then Ikara Flinders Ranges is the place to be. There are plenty of short Flinders Ranges walks with billabongs (waterholes), red tinted cliffs, scented eucalyptus trees and glimpses of wildlife to enjoy.

Sunset Wilpena Pound The Cazneaux Tree, also known as Cazneaux_s Tree, is a Eucalyptus camaldulensis or river red gum that was made famous by the photographer Harold Cazneaux, Flinders Ranges
Sunset Wilpena Pound The Cazneaux Tree
  1. Arkaroo Rock Walk. Moderate 1.5 km (one way) The 3 km round loop trail that leads to a rock shelter containing ochre and charcoal drawings is one of the best examples of Adnyamathanha rock art and is a popular walking experience in the park.
  2. Boom and Bust Hike. Moderate 4.1 km (one way) Wilpena Pound vicinity.
  3. Cazneaux Tree. Easy 0.4 metres to view 300 year old eucalyptus tree.
  4. Sacred Canyon. Visitor access to Sacred Canyon is only allowed through commercial tour operators that are approved to provide Adnyamathanha guided tours. Adnyamathanha guides are also running tours to Sacred Canyon which can be booked through Wilpena Pound Resort online. Easy: 1.8 km. The walk is 19 km south-east of Wilpena off the Hawker to Blinman Road. There are toilets in the carpark.


5-8. Visit the Flinders Ranges Towns – Ghosts, Abandoned Dreams

  1. Farina is fascinating with the open walls of the hotel, the underground bakery which opens annually for 8 weeks in the winter (June / July)

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  1. Beltana where camel tours once again trudge the arid landscape

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  1. Marree with its early 20th thatched mosque and crumbling walls the legacy of Afghan cameleers who offered a vital transport option in the inhospitable environment

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  1. Blinman and its mining past

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Beltana camel trekking, South Australia
Beltana camel trekking

You can visit Wilpena Pound year-round but the best time is from approximately April to October which is autumn through to spring. Temperatures are a lot more endurable outside of summer.

Summer can get extremely hot in Australia’s Outback and the Flinders Ranges are no exception. During the hottest season, most walking tracks in Wilpena Pound are closed as it would just be too dangerous to walk in the heat.


9. Stargaze at Arkaroola Observatory

Arkaroola Observatory, South Australia @arkaroolaofficial
Arkaroola Observatory @arkaroolaofficial

Imagine the night sky thrown up on an enormous screen with an informed commentary of what you are witnessing. You will hear how explorers used to navigate by the stars.

The stars are a connect-the-dots navigation system. The only requirement is a clear sky. Unlock the secrets at the Arkaroola Observatory. designated as an International Dark Sky Sanctuary.

Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary

10. Panoramic Murals at the Jedd Morgan Gallery, Hawker

The self-taught artist is likely to be your tour guide. Extraordinarily large canvases invoke the spirit of the outback. Stop in Hawker and visit the Jeff Morgan Gallery.

Take the 4WD tracks offroad become an explorer (with a little bit of help).

Your vehicle is balanced on razor thin ridges as it bounces against the ancient red tinted rocky terrain.  Plunge down into ravines and gorges all the while on the look out for rock wallabies and soaring wedge tailed eagles.

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Flinders Ranges National Park ancient eroded cliff faces, near Wilpena Pound Resort, South Australia
Flinders Ranges National Park ancient eroded cliff faces, near Wilpena Pound Resort

The Flinders Ranges is actually a huge area and is often broken up into Southern, Central and Northern regions. The beautiful Ikara Flinders Ranges National Park centre Wilpena Pound. Wilpena Pound is where the visitors centre is located and you can purchase a park pass. The park area is 95, 000 hectares, bordered by private stations.



11. Food and Feast Experiences in the Flinders Ranges

Old Wilpena Station lies within the Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park only a few kilometres from the Wilpena Pound Resort. An important pioneering pastoral run
Old Wilpena Station lies within the Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park only a few kilometres from the Wilpena Pound Resort

Hunting and gathering aboriginal practices are of interest to many visitors. Just the thought of living off the land and then where on earth is the next meal going to come from. Hence the recommendation to participate in an indigenous tour explaining the flora and fauna are available from Wilpena i Site.

I always enjoy the interaction with a passionate local who is sharing his or her place with me. It’s fun thinking about BBQ that animal over a spit. I am very good at the spear throwing exercise as I have this disassociation between eating meat and actually killing my dinner. I suppose it’s all that city living that has done this. 

Wilpena Pound Visitor Information Centre is the place for booking guided tours.


12. Culture In The Flinders Ranges

Rock art and the history of land occupation 4000 years is explained. Indigenous perspectives, European settlers and their interaction with the land is given. Art galleries and installations, heritage museums are in a setting of national parks and rural landscapes. 

A bucket list immersion experience set in the ancient landscape around you. It is art and messaging all rolled into an outdoor landscape.

Book a Tour

Nukunu country (Quorn, Southern Flinders Ranges SA). South Australia
Nukunu country (Quorn, Southern Flinders Ranges SA)

While you could hire a 4WD vehicle it is easier if you join either a half day or full day tour with a local guide. You get to enjoy the scenery without the hassle of driving over rutted tracks. Strongly recommend you sit back, with your handy foam cushion you have carried with you, enjoy and listen to the commentary of your guide.



Rawnsley Homestead, Flinders Ranges, Wilpena Pound, South Australia @Rawnsley Park Station
Rawnsley Homestead @Rawnsley Park Station

Travelling distance needs to be checked as it has taken you one day of travel to reach the Flinders.  

Wilpena Pound Visitor Information Centre has a number of options from resort hotel style, glamping to camping. You can book tours at the same time you book accommodation at the resort. For tours check availability BEFORE you book accommodation to avoid being disappointed. 

Arkaba Conservancy – Arkaba offers All inclusive luxury full board including tours.  Location is approximately 50 minutes or 40 km from Wilpena Pound.

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Farm Style Upmarket Accommodation

Rawnsley Park Station, Flinders Ranges, South Australia is upmarket accommodation 40 minutes or 30 km from Wilpena Pound.

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Depending on your choice of things to see and do evaluate the travelling time between your accommodation choice and your proposed itinerary. Nothing is worse than you spend time travelling to and from activities with not enough time to enjoy the experience due to the length of time taken to get there.


Flinders National Park Vicinity – More Accommodation Options

There are a number of rural settlements such as Hawker Hawker Visitor Information | Find us at Hawker Motors and Blinman (see separate post) which offer accommodation choices. Quorn Saving Bank of South Australia, Quorn Savings Bank of SA: Home is quirky and very comfortable however its location could be a deterrent at 130 km from Wilpena Pound or 1 hour 50 minutes drive.

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SBSA – Old Quorn Branch, Flinders Ranges, South Australia @The Savings Bank of South Australia
SBSA – Old Quorn Branch @The Savings Bank of South Australia
Prairie Hotel, Parachilna, Flinders Ranges, South Australia @prairiehotel
Prairie Hotel, Parachilna @prairiehotel

Parachilna Prairie Hotel Welcome to the Prairie Hotel Parachilna is an iconic location popular with tour groups due to its menu and the heritage nature of the hotel. The Prairie Hotel specialises in feral pies and grill featuring kangaroo, emu, goat and camel. You can finish off with a native wild peach quandong pie.

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Prairie Hotel website encourages visitors to walk to  Parachilna Gorge and onto the Blinman Pools waterfall. Visitors are invited to tramp or participate in short day walks The Friends of the Heysen Trail  Parachilna is approximately 1 hour or 60 km from one of the many Heysen Trail entrances.

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