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Adelaide Street Murals and Sculptures

  • Heritage & Art

Look Up, Sideways and in the Laneways

Adelaide Fringe Festival, over 38 public murals on permanent display and a biking trail to view 14 large public sculptures makes Adelaide a cultural foray into the Australian art scene. Experience Adelaide is managed and supported by the Adelaide Economic Development Agency (AEDA), a subsidiary of the City of Adelaide.

Adelaide street art + dash of graffti, explore the side streets and lanes, city centre, South Australia
Adelaide street art + dash of graffti, explore the side streets and lanes, city centre, South Australia

Discover Adelaide’s art scene with a leisurely walk through the city centre and parklands. As you explore the city and North Adelaide, you’ll find a diverse collection of monuments, reflecting the history of South Australia, contemporary sculptures and installations nestled in parks. Look up, look sideways and geer into laneways and key city intersections to light upon a growing street art mural collection.


Best City Walking Tours in Adelaide – BOOK HERE


The street art murals are a combination of private owners deciding to decorate their building walls and publicly supported artistic effects.


Check out Adelaide’s Public Art Audio Tour


Each year the Street Art Explosion program commissions Australia’s best emerging and established artists to create large-scale murals across Adelaide city and suburbs, contributing to Adelaide’s international reputation as a vibrant and artistic city.

There are now 110 works of art in the city centre alone.

Adelaide City Tours

Adelaide street art, even a school is in the act 21 Chancery Ln, Adelaide SA 5000 South Australia
Adelaide street art, even a school is in the act 21 Chancery Ln, Adelaide SA 5000, South Australia



  • HERE is a link to the Adelaide local government map of key art locations


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